Friday, December 31, 2010

Wedding Post. (Nur einer von vielen!)

Things are beginning to be set into motion for the wedding planning!

Date: June 9, 2012

Location: Great Overland Station, Topeka, KS

Photographer: Don Brent

Wedding Coordinator: Lyn S. 

Yep.  That's all I have so far.  But it's a start!!

The Overland Station is gorgeous.  So I will be having BOTH my wedding and the reception there!  Hooray for a longer engagement so places and people are available still!

Hopefully I will begin dress shopping before summer.  I'm thinking purple and charcoal-y silver for my colors, but we shall see!   

It still seems a bit surreal that I am going to be married!   Wow..!  :)   Very happy!  Now if we were both employed, we could get a house!  (Cross all of your fingers, toes... whatever you have!  Or if it's more your style: Drück dir die Daumen!)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Engaged :: Verlobt

Well, if you haven't heard the  news -- I don't know you so why are you reading my blog?!! :)  

I am engaged!!! 

Todd and I had gone to look at engagement rings last Saturday.   It wasn't like we were going to buy immediately but so that he had an idea what I like when "the time came."  

Friday I finals started.  So I decided to leave school right at 3:30, which means I actually left school shortly before 4.   I got home and piddled a little bit before taking my things down to my room (luckily not as long as some days!).

I opened the door and saw something  on the floor.  My first reaction was to blame the dog.  How the **h** did he get in my room?!  Then I realized it was rose petals!   I looked up and saw on my bed (which was made, unlike I had left it that morning!) and saw rose petals in a heart around a ring box!!  (Exhibits A and B)


I was so confused because I had seen Todd's car at his parents' house, no lights were on that shouldn't have been.  And I wasn't registering why he wouldn't be there for this!?!  

I turned around and he was standing in the doorway.  When I finally stopped hugging and kissing him, he got down on his knee.  I'll spare you all the juicy details of what his proposal included but he asked me in German!!  He had googled how to say to marry and had ideas for the rest!!  His pronunciation was a bit off but I couldn't have cared less!   I don't remember if I said "YES!" or "JA!" but it's really all the same.  :)


We're planning to get married sometime in the summer of 2012 so keep your calendars open :)  Not sure what we're thinking beyond that but we both have some ideas brewing!!  MUCH more to come, I'm sure!!

Viele liebe Grüße!

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Power of positives Denken

At the beginning of the year, I went to a meeting explaining the stages of a teacher's year-- mainly first year but in some way, every year.  Starting at 6-8 weeks in to the year begins the "disillusionment phase."  According to the summary, "They [new teachers] express self-doubt, have lower self-esteem and question their professional commitment" (CDE).  Let's see... check, check, check.  Not to mention, the stage preceding this is labeled simply "survival," which I am proud to say I (BARELY) did. 

I am exhausted, caught between trying to be a good teacher (which seems incredibly impossible) and not be a crazy, one-track-minded nutcase.  I want a life.  I love my boyfriend.  I love doing things, anything not teacher-related.  Yet, I find myself at the School from shortly after 7 a.m. until after 5 p.m (at least) almost every single day.  Not to mention the work I still haven't finished when I go home at night. 

Then throw the Holidays in the mix.  You know how a toddler becomes very agitated when its schedule is disrupted?  Teenagers, unbeknownst to them, are exactly the same.  A 2-day week may be wonderful to us but to them, it really could be the worst possible decision.  Their energy levels are off, their concentration is gone, and the chance that they might possibly remember the homework assignemnt-- laughable.

I've actually found myself thinking... I was a better teaching last semester during student teaching than now. 

There is another teaching going through this simultaneously.  Incredibly helpful.  We bounce ideas, behavior management solutions, frustrations back and forth.   But how lovely would it be if another teacher, one that had been here years and was a respected and valued member of the professional community, decided to help us? Listen to us vent and give us ideas, tests, strategies... Oh wait.  I have a mentor who is supposed to do that. 

It seems to me that, as with many things, we forget how hard it is at the beginning.  Teachers have gotten into the routine of lesson planning and grading papers.  Their lives are a constant flow.  They forgot how miserable the first year of teaching was for them.  My new teacher friend and I are promising ourselves not to be that way... but will it work?

So after a few weeks, okay, at least a solid month, of being frustrated and overwhelmed and really just a negative Nancy, I have decided to do a bit of experimentation this week.  What if I come to school positive?  No more thinking, Oh God, I hope XX doesn't come to class today   or  Just get me to 3:00 and I will be fine. 

So far, it seems to have helped a bit.  Definitely not entirely.  It still sucks that I cannot get 2 of my classes to be quiet for 3 minutes and that I don't really truly feel that I am teaching anything of significance to my English classes.  I am trying to remember.. it's my first year.  I can't be perfect.  But... that starts another rant!

And.. according to the phases of teaching, Christmas Break should be a life-changer.  Afterwards comes "Rejuvenation" and finally "Reflection" and "Anticipation."  Two and a half weeks cannot go fast enough!

Frohe Weihnachten, Freunde! :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

All Star!

After years of denying myself.... I finally bought some good ole' Chuck Taylors!  

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Two posts in two days.  A new record, I think.

I feel like Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.  I would love nothing more than to run away to Australia.

Bad news number one.   The boyfriend was laid off this morning.  Not much else to say about that.  Just sucks.

Bad news number two.  Students' parents are nightmares.  Phone call from hell.  When I'm already not happy.  Kids lie.  Teachers know this, WHY DON'T THEIR PARENTS?  Do NOT blame me.  Your kid is making it up.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010


So.. I'm sitting on my plan period being about as productive as a log... so why not pay a bit of attention to my sad little blog, right?

School is going amazingly fast!  It's almost end of 1st quarter.  Then it's almost Thanksgiving.  Then it's almost semester break.  Then I will have ALMOST survived a year as a teacher.  Sigh.  That's a lot of almosts.

Wedding season is (again..) almost over. Two weddings this month and I think there may be one in November as well.  Yikes!  We're off to St. Louis this weekend for one.  I haven't been to St. Louis since I was all of maybe 10, so it should be a good time.  Plus, the parents and the sister and brother-in-law are off with us as well.  Can't be all bad!

Speaking of weddings-- Sister 1 is engaged!  Friday evening her boyfriend popped the question and she said yes!  They're hoping to get married this June!  Very exciting..!

Things with me are, as always, being pushed to the back burner.  Things that I would love to face but that maybe take too many big decisions or simply.. I don't know where to begin!  Such as moving out.  The boyfriend and I keep talking about moving out... setting dates... we know where even!  But it's never that simple! 

Fun note that ties the last two together:  One of my English students told me yesterday that I "need a honeymoon" because I was, in her opinion, grumpy.  I told her I was pretty sure that meant I had to get married and then told her about my sister.  She said, "Oh, well that explains it!"

Always a good time at THS!! :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

A bit late...

So, it's been a while!  Sorry about that. So, WOW.  Where to begin!?

I am on my fourth full week (fifth week) of school at THS!  How's that possible?  My classroom has undergone some transformations since the first day of school.  For starters, I have no idea what a row looks like.  That or clean floors or an empty desk!  I got an Elmo, yahoo!, so I moved some things around so I can better use that and my desks are changed to talk with students more easily.   I like it!  

The best thing about teaching is getting to laugh at things... I'm sure if I didn't laugh, I honestly would hurt one of these kids.  Here are some of the "insights" high schools have shared with me:
1. "I can't remember your name.  Do you know how many teachers I have?"  (Yes.  8.  Opposed to my approx. 175 students!)
2. "Wow, Frau B.  I can't do this.  I don't know German."  (Thanks.  I know that.  Hence your being in German 1.)
3. (3 weeks in to the year.... after I told the students I taught German AND English) "So... who teaches English in here?"  

Hopefully, I can bring some more... even better "insights" from THS soon!  

One of the sad insights that I gained last week was that high school juniors do not know/understand 9/11 AT ALL.  We had an OPTIONAL assembly.  I made my seminar students attend... not that they listened to any of it.  Afterwards, I had my junior English students journal about it.  Of course, I didn't think about the fact that these students were in 2nd grade in 2001.  Quite a few remembered where they were the first time they heard about it but in both of my classes, I had a few students that asked, "Why are we writing about Sept. 11?  What happened in 2001?"  I spent probably 30 minutes with one class, watching YouTube clips of news footage and talking about what happened.  

I know it's not THEIR faults that they don't know.  But what have their teachers and their parents been doing the past 9 years?   How are schools not recognizing 9/11 at all?  I commend THS for having an assembly.  But why optional?  And if it's optional, shouldn't there be a sort of announcement or statement during the week?  Apparently not.  But I think that's sad.  Next year, if I teach juniors again, they will have been in 1st grade.  I highly doubt that any of those students will remember that day personally.  Will they know anything about it?  

As always.... my thoughts go off in random directions...!  So it goes when you spend your time with teenagers, I suppose!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Morgen beginnt alles!

Tomorrow is my first day working at 501!  Whohoo :)

So much going on and it's only going to get crazier!  

Monday, July 26, 2010


I think my classroom is about 98.9% finished finally!  When I walk in the door now, it feels like MY classroom -- not the German room.  As much as I do not want summer to end, I'm very excited!  
I am always well intentioned about taking before and after pictures but I'm usually soo gung-ho, I start working and halfway through stop and think, OH CRAP!  So... here are my after pictures.  Use your imagination-- the before pictures were dated, torn posters and lots of stuff everywhere.   

My awesome curtains-- Thanks Andrea!

Super cute little skirt for storage.. again, Thanks Andrea!!

Hopefully, there will be a German calendar to fill that empty spot!

The only storage in the room! (Before I came along, anyway.)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Big News

I got some big news today-- my teaching load for next year.  I will be teaching 2 classes of German I, a German II, and a German III/IV, as well as 2 classes of Junior English!  Yikes.  I'm excited to know and very, VERY anxious to begin.  Do I really know what I'm doing?  Let's hope.

I'll be heading into the Halls of Troy later this week to begin getting my classroom Amy-fied.  Very excited for that!! Pics to come!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I'm sure you've noticed the new blog look.  

I don't like it.   I don't do well with change.  I was bored and messed with it... accidentally hit saved.  Panic.  Too late.  Oh, and they no longer have my previous layout.  Suh-weet.  

So, I guess we'll get used to it.

Tomorrow is my last day at the Office.  Again.  This time-- FOREVER.  I refuse to walk back into that place as an employee ever. a.gain.  End of story. 

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Endlich ist alles in Ordnung!

Well, my joyful post has, at long last, arrived!

Amerikanisches Girl is officially a German and English teacher!! At Dream school nonetheless!! ::insert monumental sigh of relief::

After 3 weeks of no sleep, migraines, minor muscle twitches, and paper-thin nerves, it’s paying off!! (Sorry to the Boyfriend, family, and friends!)  I will report to new teacher orientation August 4 and greet students August 17.  Meine Güte...that is SOO soon!!

Do you remember being 7 and thinking summer break was AH-MA-ZING and lasted long enough to utter the phrase, “I’m bored,” in a high pitched, whiny voice to your mom?

If you say “no,” you’re a liar.

When did summer stop feeling so long? Didn’t I only just graduate?! Crap.

My last day of work at the Office is next Wednesday. Yep. I handed in my two week notice BEFORE getting a job offer. Thank GOD everything’s working out!!

I hope you’re all well!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

and so I wait...

It's been far to long between posts this summer. I've been a bad blogger.  Sorry!

I kept wanting to wait to post the "I HAVE A JOB!!!" post as my next post. As you can imagine -- and relate--, this has been a tremendous process.  Get my hopes up... make me wait.  And wait.  And wait.  Now, this may come as a complete and utter surprise but I am not a patient person.  No, that's putting it nicely.  I have no patience whatsoever.  I hate waiting on things/people and I want immediate results. 

That said... this is K-I-L-L-I-N-G me!

My interview for Dream Job was two and a half weeks ago.  It's true that I have been told that I was recommended for the position, so perhaps my stress levels are higher than they ought to be but, as great as the recommendation is, I just really want the actual OFFER! 

The good news of this is that I think my half-hearted patience may be paying off soon.  I've been practically stalking the Principal... it's sounding hopeful!  :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Was für eine Woche!

Note:  If injuries gross you out... skip this entry!!

What a week!

As promised, the family took the trek to Wetmore for fishing, grilling, and other fun on Saturday.  When we arrived, the sisters and the boys had already started fishing.  To get it over with, I immediately cast a line and, to everyone's disbelief, I got a bite!  I caught a decent-sized bass.  As you can see, the excitement did NOT distract me from the grossness of the fish and I refused to touch it.

After my good fortune, I decided to call fishing quits and go with E on her BFs ATV.  After some beginner’s trouble, E let me try drive (note: I’d never been on this ATV before).   Now, picture pasture that is overgrown…trees, uneven ground.  I know better, right?  Nope.

Not 20 feet into my little excursion, the seemingly even ground became drastically uneven.  By the time I realized that I was headed towards a drop-off, I was there.  I thought maybe if I tried to keep going it maybe could push through.  I thought what the hell now?  I had time to yell a few choice words as the ATV toppled over on E and me.  Thanks to my guardian angels or whatever it may be, the ditch was deep enough that E and I fell to the bottom and the trees caught the ATV.  I got out with one less shoe, sans sunglasses and hat but in one piece.  As did E.  

As E and I went to get her BF, I realized my wrist was slit open.  Thank God for shock.. it didn't hurt right away!!  I spent 2 hours in the Holton Emergency Room -- occupying one of its two beds.  After ungodly pain, I received 4 stitches and lots of antibiotics.  Another trip to Holton later that evening gained me some pain meds -- yay!  

I was too much in pain and too grossed out to snap any pictures right away but here is how it looked after having one of the stitches taken out Tuesday.  

And after having the other three stitches taken out, I am happy to say I am finally able to type with both hands and do a few more tasks with my left hand again.  Still a ways to go.. but it's looking much better!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

ich bin noch hier!

I typed this up a week or so ago… forgot to hit post! So here goes.

Second week of working full time at The Office has begun. Just as I returned, I was told that one of my favorite people of all time was being forced to resign from The Office. Basically, a load of scheiβe. So, the week is to be filled with some of the best downtown lunch places.

Mrs. Grey House will be very much missed.

Day one back at The Office, one of my other favorite (much less authentically) employees of The Office told me, in not so many words, that I wouldn’t be able to do my job as well as the girl training me. Aw, shucks. How sweet. As Mrs. Gray House would say, what a c-unit. On the contrary, however, I am becoming numb. My brain is slowly being destroyed by insultingly mundane tasks and constant SITTING STILL. My 16 weeks at THS made me very much accustomed to talking loudly all day and moving around whenever and almost whenever I pleased. Welcome back desk and chair. My back and butt have NOT missed you.

So, now that The Office will have an eerie silence to it, I’m not sure what to do. Although, I am increasingly confident that I will never, under no circumstances, remain in The Office after this summer and I will always think politics are a joke.

And from today:

Things are slightly better than I had begun to suspect they would be here at The Office. Although, I’d be lying if I said that auditing and bank reports made much sense to me. How does one calculate half of this stuff anyway? First, please translate into layman’s English and then get back to me! What a mess. It would be awful if they were audited on-site and found to be perfectly fine… that I was the one without a brain and beyond incompetent!!

My job hunt is entirely fruitless and insanely frustrating. I still have received ZERO phone calls requesting interviews. One school district made calls about me but big whoop. They never even got to me. My German job at THS is still open. I keep hoping THAT one will come through. It’s the ONE I really want. SO SEHR! Drückt ihr die Daumen, bitte.

The Family is headed to Wetmore, Kansas this weekend. Look out for fascinating photos of…. vast nothingness. I mean, really? The Bro-in-law and other sister are super excited about fishing. Actually, both sisters and the bro-in-law have shiny, new fishing poles and mein Vater bought a net. Really? That’s all I have to say. I’m taking a book. Yes, I’m sure I’ll give in to peer pressure (does anyone actually not give in to peer pressure?) and fish a bit, but don’t you worry. I’m still me—I won’t enjoy it!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

So this is it..?

I just submitted my last undergraduate paper.  Anti-climatic. 

I start working full-time next week.  Not really excited, of course.  I just want the money!  I am excited to say that The Looking Glass  has set their summer day to sign up for appointments.   So, by June 25, I should have enough money to get my rocking new tat... or at least, get it set up!  Wunderbar!  

My "real" job hunt is still dead.  THS was supposed to have posted their part-time German job yesterday.  No such luck.  So I wait.  I've applied at shady districts in KC, several districts in Topeka.  There's just no love.  I did the unthinkable just now.  I applied for a job in Illinois.  Who am I?  Really?  It will probably be the one job that I am offered.  Then what?  I take it and live in Illinois.  I'd probably be back on the dating market if I did that...!!  I'm not sure if that's a joke or not..!!

Having applied for that job sets my plans back.  As most anyone who knows me knows, I want to move out.  My plan has been work for a month or two and save up, then get a place.  If I move.... that would be silly.  So cross your fingers that THS offers me a rocking German job and something to make it full-time so I can move out and live here!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Geile Zeit

What a trip this has been...!  Can student teaching really be wrapping up?  Can I really be done with college already (although it has been six years...)?  Today's my last day teaching.  I should wait until I've suffered through, er, taught the lesson before posting.  But why bother?  This group of kids is a pain.  They're the group that had me prepared to scream and cry and kick the first week I taught sophomores.  They're the group that makes me want to run away from this profession.  But I won't.  It's one group.  It happens.  All of my... okay, most of my other classes are so good... okay, not good, but, well, I like them. 

I posted last week that I thought I would have a job.  I do, although it is not the job that I mentioned last week.  I'm back at the lovely State.  I won't be back in my old job though, which is fine.  Switch things up, I suppose.  I thought I could start Monday, turns out I'm mistaken.  Still finishing a few things up at WU: projects and final class sessions.  May 3 and I will basically be done with everything for school.  Wow.  It's just weird to keep saying.  It's a really, really odd feeling.  Should I be soo happy?  Should I be sad?   How do I feel?  I feel ready to graduate but unbelievably scared that I will have no job next year.  Scheiße!  Guess if I have no job, I'll pack my crap and go to Germany. HA. 

Monday, April 19, 2010

2 weeks to go

So, SOO close to being done!  I'm wrappings things up at THS-- which is crazy.  It's almost May.  It's almost graduation!  Unglaublich!  

I think I may have a job for the summer.  I'll find out in about 6 hours.  Cross your fingers.  It'd be great pay and a consistent schedule.  I'm soo hoping.  

As for jobs for next year, well...  I've received my recommendation letters so I can actually move forward, although no positions are really posted yet.  Argh!  Top things on my to-do list: mail out graduation announcements and post resumes EV-ER-Y-WHERE!

I signed up to take my German Praxis last month.  I thought there was a test next weekend... nope, I have to wait until June 12.  The busiest day of the year.  Pam and Emme's weddings are that day.  I'll be running from my test to Pam's.  From Pam's reception to Emme's wedding.  Luckily, they aren't at the same time but I will certainly be in a blur!  

I'm really starting to be desperate for a job-- my bank account is VERY sad.  And there are so many things I want to spend money on.  I'm getting my butt in shape (yay!) and have started going on walks/runs.  Pumas don't quite cut it for real exercise.  I need new shoes.  I also need new shorts.  It seems I haven't bought any since about freshman year of college!  Oops.   And, of course, on my non-essentials list... I want my new tattoo soo badly.  I've wanted it since.. oh, probably since I got the first one five years ago!  And... I am about dying from wanting to go back to Berlin!  Katharina is all moved into her apartment with Till and I can hardly stand it-- a free place to stay in the most awesome city!  I need to save, save, save a LOT of money!!  

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It's April-- holy crap-- and spring fever (aka Frühlingsgefühle) seems to be hitting everyone!  Can it be possible that I am down to four weeks here at THS?  W-O-W!  My last day is April 30; Graduation is May 15; then weddings start coming from every direction! 

Everyone else started being "good" and following a diet for Lent.  Or they're smart and started when it was cold outside... but no, at the Amerikanisches Haus, we wait until it's nice outside and we have to go into overdrive to be swimsuit fit by summer! :)  So... we're counting points and checking portions.  Our own, unofficial WeightWatchers, so to speak.  Hopefully with the whole Familie in on it, I won't skip out on it when the going gets tough!  It helps with the boyfriend living across the street-- I just call him out to go for a walk now and then! 

I made my seniors make me a "Slambook" page for a guide to THS.  While I was browsing the World Wide Web, I stumbled upon some random questionaires for Slambooks.  I'm avoiding productivity anyway (darn Spring Fever!!), so why not post it, right?  Hope not to bore you zu viel!

Still at home with the parents. Hopefully, within 6 months, that will change :)...... that is, if I have a job!

I just finished The Lovely Bones. It was one of those I never made time to read when I was younger and now that it's a movie, I must! I read Alice Sebold's memior a few years ago... she's pretty amazing.



Honestly, I don't ever buy my own magazines. If my mom or sister brings home one, I will flip through it. I only read the super short stories.. any longer and I would rather a book.

Cookies. My dad's cologne. (Weird, I know..)

Cigarettes. Skunks.

Wow. That's tough... I'm not sure I could possibly pick anything. Pianos, string and vocal harmonies. But then the soft summer wind. And well... no, no.. not going there.


Generally blues. Bright blues, dark blues. Anything. But also purples.

Cherries. Duh.

I hate the sound. That and alarms. Awful, awful. So the less, the better.

Oh dear. Not a clue. When you're 14, you think you know. There's a point you forget. That or every name you had liked turned into a name that reminds you of someone.


Mexican anything.

Chocolate. Usually.

I do my best.

When I was little, several. I outgrew it. Then studied abroad. Katharina bought me a dog to keep me company. In a short four months, I got used to having that when I slept and now I can't stop!!!

Incredibly cool and terribly scary.

1996 Sebring.

That's an impossible question. Jesus. Obama. Hitler (how was he so persuasive and powerful!?!). Carl Sandburg. Maya Angelou. .......

Captain. Margaritas. Beer.


Sure. Why not?

Amazingly successful, influential author. Work from home. Write. Make lots of money. Yep, sounds great.

Browns. Dark browns, really.


Depends on what's in it. :)

10 Things I Hate About You will make my list for years to come. Dead Poets' Society. I can't even think right now.. too many.


Wouldn't you like to know?... Me too. Blankets, computer box, storage tub with papers, books, etc.


I understand basketball the best, I suppose. But nothing beats a high school football game. It's the total essence of fall.

I never have adequate answers for this question. My staple: Jars of Clay. Then I followed Dan Haseltine on Twitter-- really, Dan? Something Corporate/Jack's Mannequin. I should follow Andy on Twitter, he wouldn't disappoint me!

Religious as in go to church "religiously," read my Bible "religiously," or repent of every sip of alcohol or secular thought? Nope. Do I believe in God and Jesus dying on the cross? Of course, without a doubt.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Job Hunt: Initiate.

The semester is quickly wrapping up. Can you believe it?  I can't.  

Job hunting has begun... if full swing, so to speak.  I need to hit it still harder but that's a bit complicated when no one is posting jobs!  Not a single district has posted any openings.  I lie.  Washburn Rural posted two English positions forever ago.  To tell the truth... I'd rather German.  Who'd have thought, right?  I know the guy I taught German with at GHS is retiring.  I'm crossing my fingers.  I signed up to take my Praxis test in German, which was supposed to be in April.  Not happening-- the next test date is June 12-- which happens to be two of my good friends' weddings.  Ick.  That will make for a fun, fun day!

Summer jobs is an even more bleak scene though.  I applied at several stores at the mall, a few outside the mall, the Census Bureau.  No one is offering consistent hours that will start AFTER May 1. The Census Bureau wanted me to start too soon with no exceptions.  A store at the mall wanted me to work on-call (as in.. never know my schedule more than a few hours in advance, SWEEET) starting immediately.  That DEFINITELY wouldn't work.  Talk about stressful.  I'm crossing my fingers.  My aunt works at a really good place in town and has connections to a few other places, as does my uncle.  As the Germans say, Drück mir die Daumen! :)  

Friday, March 12, 2010

Thank God es ist Freitag!

Another week down.    Let's see... I started teaching senior comp.  Went really well, actually.  Although I feel like I'm doing significantly less planning so far, things take longer than I think they will,usually, which helps so much!  In German, it was always the total opposite.  I would plan for HOURS and think, this is great!  Such and such activity should take 30 minutes, then this will take at least 10, if not fifteen.  HA!  30 minutes turned into 15 and 10 or 15 turned into... maybe 5, if I got lucky.  Obviously, the fact that the kids are mostly writing in composition helps.  A lot less pressure on me.  Explain the assignment and... GO!

Outside the high school building, what's to say?  Well, I applied for a few summer jobs yesterday.  Cross your fingers.  Who knew March 11 was "late" in the season to be applying?  Argh.  I went to Eddie Bauer and David's Bridal and took the employment test for the Census 2010.  The Census pays the best but I'd probably be knocking on my fellow Topekans' doors.  No offense to any of you, but... ew. 

At 3:30 today, Spring Break starts!  Best things about being a teacher: Variety, Spring Break, Summer. 

Not a whole lot going on as far as the permanent job front.  No one's really even posting their positions yet.  It's making me cringe a bit but I know there have to be, at the least, a few positions.  The German position as this building is obviously open and it's not posted yet... so I'm holding on to that glimmer of hope!

Yesterday was an emotional day.  During my lunch I read that Conan was touring.  SWEET!  Conan's amazing.  All you nay-sayers, bug off.  I was ecstatic!   I sent out a text and asked anyone if they wanted to join me.  No questions, I am going, sort of thing.  By the time I got home... it was already 100% sold out!  Even the $500 seats were gone.  Apparently, not that many nay-sayers in the KC area :)  So, my hopes were crushed.  Hopefully another great concert will come around.  I already declined Michael Buble (I know, stupid)... Wicked came in October... hmmm, someone's got to help me out!

Monday, March 8, 2010

And jetzt...

Today's another lovely inservice day at Google High.  Yes, I said it.  Cringe, gag, roll your eyes, laugh, whatever.  No bother to me.  I just go with it.

I jump in tomorrow.  As in, I'm teaching again!  Yikes.  These people trust me a lot or something.  I'm going to be doing a modified Slambook with the senior composition classes.  A bit of an "unofficial handbook" for student teachers at the school.  We'll see how it goes.  I'm a bit nervous but glad to not sit and idly watch.

Next week is spring break.   I wish it meant sleeping until noon like it did in high school. Instead it means cranking out my 25 page WUPA.  Woo!  So excited.  But it also means the annual shopping trip and my birthday.  I'll officially be a mid-20-something!  

A final note:  Exciting news in the Amerikanische Haus this evening.  My mom is the District Teacher of the Year!  On to the state level now.  She's deserved this each of the last 29 years and finally got it! Go mama!! 

Monday, March 1, 2010

What is neu?

I've been home for 61 days.  How is that possible?!!  I was gone 4 months.... that means I've been home half as long as I was gone.  What. The. Heck?!  

4 days after I got home = student teaching.  After 8 weeks of student teaching in German, I started in English today!  Halfway done student teaching!  

Graduation is May 15.  6 years later, I finally am going to graduate.  AKA.... graduation party!!  Thoughts?  I don't know what to do.  Small, big... okay, guess those are the basic options.  :)

And.... another fun change since I got back: my dating life!  My boy next door crush finally paid off-- after he's lived there 9 years :)  And you all thought I was impatient!!!    I'll find an even better, older picture soon.  I promise! 


Friday, February 26, 2010


That's the Deutsch onomatopoeia for a sneeze... which I'm doing NON-STOP today!    As my mom keeps saying, this is why boyfriends are bad news!!

It's my last day student teaching German and I just found out we get out of school 10 minutes early today and are allowed to leave as soon as that bell rings (rather than the normal waiting until 3:30!).  Have I mentioned that I LOVE debate?  So, an hour and 20 minutes until I'm done with this half of student teaching!  ::victory dance::

On the agenda for the weekend: Friday: find something cute to wear to a wedding reception, meet up with HS friends.  Saturday:  grade tests, wedding reception.  Sunday: boyfriend's to celebrate his mother's birthday.  Yay for there being no lesson planning in those plans!

Gott sei Dank, es ist Freitag!

Ich bin back!

Back by popular demand-- ha, sort of.

My new, equally nerdy, blog is up, as requested! Hopefully, soon to be improved-- gotta keep up with the competition, ya know!