The semester is quickly wrapping up. Can you believe it? I can't.
Job hunting has begun... if full swing, so to speak. I need to hit it still harder but that's a bit complicated when no one is posting jobs! Not a single district has posted any openings. I lie. Washburn Rural posted two English positions forever ago. To tell the truth... I'd rather German. Who'd have thought, right? I know the guy I taught German with at GHS is retiring. I'm crossing my fingers. I signed up to take my Praxis test in German, which was supposed to be in April. Not happening-- the next test date is June 12-- which happens to be two of my good friends' weddings. Ick. That will make for a fun, fun day!
Summer jobs is an even more bleak scene though. I applied at several stores at the mall, a few outside the mall, the Census Bureau. No one is offering consistent hours that will start AFTER May 1. The Census Bureau wanted me to start too soon with no exceptions. A store at the mall wanted me to work on-call (as in.. never know my schedule more than a few hours in advance, SWEEET) starting immediately. That DEFINITELY wouldn't work. Talk about stressful. I'm crossing my fingers. My aunt works at a really good place in town and has connections to a few other places, as does my uncle. As the Germans say, Drück mir die Daumen! :)
Good luck, Amy! I sort of feel your pain! :(