Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Endlich ist alles in Ordnung!

Well, my joyful post has, at long last, arrived!

Amerikanisches Girl is officially a German and English teacher!! At Dream school nonetheless!! ::insert monumental sigh of relief::

After 3 weeks of no sleep, migraines, minor muscle twitches, and paper-thin nerves, it’s paying off!! (Sorry to the Boyfriend, family, and friends!)  I will report to new teacher orientation August 4 and greet students August 17.  Meine Güte...that is SOO soon!!

Do you remember being 7 and thinking summer break was AH-MA-ZING and lasted long enough to utter the phrase, “I’m bored,” in a high pitched, whiny voice to your mom?

If you say “no,” you’re a liar.

When did summer stop feeling so long? Didn’t I only just graduate?! Crap.

My last day of work at the Office is next Wednesday. Yep. I handed in my two week notice BEFORE getting a job offer. Thank GOD everything’s working out!!

I hope you’re all well!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

and so I wait...

It's been far to long between posts this summer. I've been a bad blogger.  Sorry!

I kept wanting to wait to post the "I HAVE A JOB!!!" post as my next post. As you can imagine -- and relate--, this has been a tremendous process.  Get my hopes up... make me wait.  And wait.  And wait.  Now, this may come as a complete and utter surprise but I am not a patient person.  No, that's putting it nicely.  I have no patience whatsoever.  I hate waiting on things/people and I want immediate results. 

That said... this is K-I-L-L-I-N-G me!

My interview for Dream Job was two and a half weeks ago.  It's true that I have been told that I was recommended for the position, so perhaps my stress levels are higher than they ought to be but, as great as the recommendation is, I just really want the actual OFFER! 

The good news of this is that I think my half-hearted patience may be paying off soon.  I've been practically stalking the Principal... it's sounding hopeful!  :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Was für eine Woche!

Note:  If injuries gross you out... skip this entry!!

What a week!

As promised, the family took the trek to Wetmore for fishing, grilling, and other fun on Saturday.  When we arrived, the sisters and the boys had already started fishing.  To get it over with, I immediately cast a line and, to everyone's disbelief, I got a bite!  I caught a decent-sized bass.  As you can see, the excitement did NOT distract me from the grossness of the fish and I refused to touch it.

After my good fortune, I decided to call fishing quits and go with E on her BFs ATV.  After some beginner’s trouble, E let me try drive (note: I’d never been on this ATV before).   Now, picture pasture that is overgrown…trees, uneven ground.  I know better, right?  Nope.

Not 20 feet into my little excursion, the seemingly even ground became drastically uneven.  By the time I realized that I was headed towards a drop-off, I was there.  I thought maybe if I tried to keep going it maybe could push through.  I thought what the hell now?  I had time to yell a few choice words as the ATV toppled over on E and me.  Thanks to my guardian angels or whatever it may be, the ditch was deep enough that E and I fell to the bottom and the trees caught the ATV.  I got out with one less shoe, sans sunglasses and hat but in one piece.  As did E.  

As E and I went to get her BF, I realized my wrist was slit open.  Thank God for shock.. it didn't hurt right away!!  I spent 2 hours in the Holton Emergency Room -- occupying one of its two beds.  After ungodly pain, I received 4 stitches and lots of antibiotics.  Another trip to Holton later that evening gained me some pain meds -- yay!  

I was too much in pain and too grossed out to snap any pictures right away but here is how it looked after having one of the stitches taken out Tuesday.  

And after having the other three stitches taken out, I am happy to say I am finally able to type with both hands and do a few more tasks with my left hand again.  Still a ways to go.. but it's looking much better!!